Saxophonist- Composer
Marco Castelli,
is one of the most talented italian sax players, with a briliant
and prolific carrer with a broad artistic activity.
In his long career he has travelled without prejudice across many different
musical languages, highlighting the qualities present in each form
of expression and always pursuing a very personal sound, free of clichés
but rich in emotions and atmospheres.
Marco Castelli
recorded more that 40 CD's and beside writing and performing jazz music,
he's a conductor of orchestra and a composer for theatre and
modern ballet, and, as a sound designer, he has creatively
interacted with various media: poetry, video art, visual arts.
He has partecipated in international festivals like Singapore Art Festival,
Montreal Jazz Festival, Boemia Jazz Festival, Copenhagen Jazz Festival,
Atene Jazz, Bangkok International Festival, Festival Cervantino, San Sebastian
Jazz Festival, Kaunas International Festival, Festival dei 2 Mondi-Spoleto,
collaborating with a lot of prestigious artists like Lee Konitz, Markus
Stockhausen, Philip Catherine and many others.
Marco Castelli has brought his music all over the world:
Europe: Uk, France, Danmarc, Finland, Norway, Estonia, Greece,
Portugal, Lithuania, Germany, Spain, Austria, Hungary, Croazia, Slovenia,
Romania, Ceck Republic, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Kossovo
America and Islands: USA,Canada, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina,
Perù, Guatemala, Uruguay, Jamaica, Curacao.
Asia and Middle East:Russia, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore,
Thailand, Qatar, Israel, Jordan.
Africa: Senegal, Tanzania, Botwana, Reunion Island, Morocco, Tunisia,
he has worked toghether and performed with:
Philip Catherine, Lee Konitz, Pietro Tonolo, Luis Agudo, Marcus Stockhausen,
Enrico Rava, Ares Tavolazzi, Rudy Linka, Mark Abrams, The Traditional
Jazz Studio of Prague, Gianluca Mosole, Paolo Birro, The Keptorchestra,
Ines Reiger, Frantisek Uhlir, Rudy Engel, Marco Lakner, Florian Brambock,
Darko Jurkovic, Lojze Krajcan, Michael Erian,Cheryl Porter, Peter Lipa,
Massimo Manzi, Tolo Marton, Sandro Gibellini, Marco Tamburini, Roberto
Rossi, Mauro Beggio, Giovanni Maier, The Europlane Orchestra, Orchestra
Il Suono Improvviso, Pietro Condorelli, Marcello Tonolo, Francesco Bearzatti,
Robert Bonisolo, Mauro Negri, U.T. Gandhi, Lello Pareti, Ermanno Signorelli,
Gianni Cazzola, David Boato, Luigi Tessarollo, Gabriele Centis, Davide
Ragazzoni, Edu Hebling, Jazz Prints, Achim Goettert, Danilo Moccia, ed
download biography (pdf format) here